Questions To Ask When Looking For An Elder Care Facility

Finding an elder care facility for yourself or a family member can be an intimidating process. You want to find a place that can provide the best care possible, while also having opportunities to thrive and build beautiful bonds. When you’re looking for an elder care facility, we suggest taking a tour and asking the following questions.

Miravida Living Hosting Cycling Without Age American Summit 2018 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

In 2015, Miravida Living was the first elder care service provider in the U.S. to start a Cycling Without Age program. The program was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark by Ole Kassow who wanted to help elders get back on their bicycles and spend more time outdoors. Understanding some of these individuals may have limited mobility, he introduced rickshaws. Today, Miravida Living, has a fleet of seven rickshaws allowing residents abundant opportunities to spend more time outdoors touring the community and sharing stories with volunteer pilots, all while feeling the wind in their hair.

What Is It Like Working At Miravida Living?

Working at Miravida Living isn’t just a job, it’s an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. Employees aren’t just providing comfort and care, they are also forming relationships through meaningful interactions. The elders and staff at Miravida Living find joy in getting to know one another every day. Different age groups truly learn from each other and create timeless bonds that nourish the soul. Through dedicated care and shared stories, both groups grow and thrive in this nurturing environment.

Aging And Elder Care On Your Own Terms

Getting older can seem intimidating, but it’s easier and more enjoyable when you think about it as an opportunity for new, wonderful and unique experiences. Our mission is to create an environment where people celebrate the wonder, beauty and perspective of life that comes from aging on their own terms. Aging is the beginning of a wonderful time in one’s life, a chance for new adventures, experiences and opportunities to unleash creativity.

Living with Wonder: Pet Therapy At Miravida Living

Many of us have fond memories of our pets and the pleasure of spending time with them. The shared unconditional love added an important dimension to our lives. Knowing time spent being with a dog or cat brightens everyone’s day, Miravida Living introduced the Noah’s Landing program.  

Living With Wonder: How Sensory Experiences Impact Elders

People living with dementia rely heavily on their senses, so at Miravida Living we focus on introducing activities and hobbies that stimulate the senses, revive memories and encourage muscle memory for actions that may have been forgotten. We’re going to look at a few innovations we offer at Miravida Living that stimulate the senses to help our elders live with wonder.

Importance of Intergenerational Relationships

“Connections between generations are essential for the mental health and stability of the nation.”  —  Margaret Mead

It is proven time and time again that intergenerational friendships create timeless bonds. Studies have shown that intergenerational relationships are important to society, which is one of the many reasons why we encourage them here at Miravida Living. Every year we work with local schools and organizations to promote opportunities to form these relationships.

Tabula Rasa HealthCare at Miravida Living

Miravida Living, a leader in implementing innovative programs and influencing the future of aging, is mid-stream in implementing Tabula Rasa HealthCare.

Tabula rasa means “blank slate” in Latin and is used today to mean “fresh start” or “new beginning.” We have partnered with the Tabula Rasa HealthCare (TRHC) family to provide new beginnings for elders through innovative service models and fresh approaches to health care.

Donating Blood and Saving Lives at Miravida Living

Our residents and staff are lifesavers! We hosted two blood drives for The Community Blood Center of Oshkosh in recent months. In July, we collected enough blood to save up to 36 patients at local hospitals. Three people were first-time donors. In September, our generous donors saved 30 lives. We are proud to support this important cause and help the community!

Offering Our Services To Hurricane Harvey Victims

Theresa Bertram, our president and CEO, saw this viral photo of victims of Hurricane Harvey stranded in their nursing home and knew Miravida Living had to do something to help.

“When I saw the elders sitting in floodwater, I was in tears,” Theresa said. “I know Miravida Living has the ability to offer assistance. This is who we are, and this is what we do.”