Living Patiently With One Another

One of our Miravida values is the art of patience. I call it an art because patience is an act that comes from much practice, skill, and craft. We are not patient by accident, but because we choose to be—cultivating relationships with tolerance, understanding, compassion, and humility. Some days, if we’re honest, we are better at it than others. Practicing patience requires energy, endurance, perspective, and even a sense of humor. Our lives are full, and some days, we simply don’t have the patience we wish we did. Some days, we need more than we can give.

And yet, we are called to bring all that we have into our care for our Elders, into our relationships with team members, and into the moments we share as a Miravida community. Especially with those who seem to dance on our very last nerve.

So, how do we do that?

No, there’s no magic pill—for them or for us. But there is power in you. The power to truly see those around you, knowing that what’s visible is only a fraction of the weight they carry. The power of wonder and imagination, reminding us that what we can’t see is often more overwhelming, debilitating, and painful than we could ever know. And when we choose to truly see others, something shifts—our grace deepens, our patience grows, and we discover we have more to give than we ever realized.

And in this, we find peace—in who we are, in who we are becoming, and in the community we create together at Miravida.

“Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of an action; rather it is ‘timing.’ It waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way.” — Fulton J. Sheen

With love and grace,

Rev. Dr. Karin Derenne
Spiritual Services Director
Miravida Living

At Miravida Living, our beliefs shape the way we care for and support one another. They guide our interactions, strengthen our community, and reflect the deep commitment we have to our elders and those who walk alongside them. These values are more than words—they are lived out daily in the meaningful moments experienced by our community members: residents, team members, family, and friends.

Our Beliefs

  • We love others.
  • We live joyfully.
  • We cultivate peacefulness.
  • We cherish patience.
  • We choose kindness.
  • We exemplify faithfulness.
  • We commit to gentleness.
  • We employ self-control.